«Je ne veux pas gagner ma vie, je l’ai.» Boris Vian, L'écume des jours


portrait im blick

Clemens hat auf seinem Blog iGNANT erneut ein Photographie-Fundstück präsentiert, das meinen Blick festgehalten, den Fotografen Andrew Miksys und seine erstaunlich ungekünstelten Portraits. Am besten erklärt Miksys selbt im Interview mit Anna Nosthoff seine Bilder:
What do your portraits represent in the end?
I’m not sure anyone can say definitively what a portrait represents. Of course there are elements of reality in almost every photograph. You can see approximately what a person looks like, the color of their hair, etc. However, photographs are also an extremely edited version of world mostly determined by the photographer and what he or she decides to include in the frame. And very rarely do people appear the way they imagine themselves when they see a portrait of themselves. In the end, portraits exist somewhere between a portrait and self-portrait.
                    all pictures © Andrew Miksys

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