«Je ne veux pas gagner ma vie, je l’ai.» Boris Vian, L'écume des jours


after deren...

is before deren.

or i may say, it's transition time (the link is for the berliners amongst you). just at the beginning of the week, i stepped away - not for long though, just to clear the growing image and get the words till now into movement - from this undeniable "touche-à-tout" that maya deren is and am now diving into another dancing world of words and images. robert walser discovers in his "walk" quiet unusual giants, lazy dogs, untalented tailors, enchanting trees and every day movements of all kind of types. "All this can happen, after all, and I believe it actually did happen".

Walser took a walk and "the world became a dream; I myself had become an inward being, and I walked as in an inward world. Everything outside me fade to obscurity, and all I had understood till now was unintelligible. I fell away from the surface, down into the depths, which I recognized then to be all that was good. What we understand and love understands and loves us also. I was no longer myself, I was another, yet it was on this account that I became properly myself. In the sweet light of love I believed I was able to recognize - or required to feel - that the inward self is the only which really exists. The thought seized me: "Where would we humans be, if there was no good earth faithful to us? What would we have, if we lacking this? Where would I be, if I was not here? Here I have everything, and elsewhere I would have nothing" 
"I would like to confess that I consider nature and human life be a solemn and charming flow of fleeting approximations."

Robert Walser, The Walk, 1917

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